Phishing Attempts -  Information

Like many companies, we have noticed that malicious people are trying to fraudulently impersonate members of our company.

We would therefore like to remind you to be extremely vigilant regarding the content and origin of emails that appear to come from Fonroche Lighting America or our parent company Fonroche Lighting, France.

We remind you that Fonroche Lighting America emails come exclusively from the domain (  This includes our newletters and notifications.

Our parent company, Fonroche Lighting uses the Domain ( 

If you are placing an order or arranging payment, we encourage you to get in touch with your usual sales representative first, contacting them via phone or messaging.

What to do in case of a fradulent email?

If you think you are facing a Phishing attempt, here is the procedure to follow.

1- Do not dial the proposed number

2- Do not answer and do not click on the hyperlinks, do not open the attachments

3- Report this e-mail to:

4- After reporting it, delete the email.

5- Immediately contact your usual Fonroche representative by phone: 339-225-4530.

We remain at your disposal for any questions.